Sunday, January 4, 2009

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The new year starts in a few hours. While I sit back staring at the Christmas tree, and begin to evaluate this past year, I must say, its been one heck of a ride, especially emotionally. I lost weight, I lost my goldfish, I lost money, I lost a run for State Representative, I lost a friend, and I lost my 25 yr marriage. In fact, I thought I lost my mind? Well, so much for a prosporous 2008. Then I began to think, was there "anything" positive in 2008? I must say there was. I learned how to be humble, gained wisdom, I still have dignity, I'm still healthy, went back to school, learned to accept the things I cannot change, do not take "anything" for granted, but most of all, learned how to love the people that hurt you. One minute you're on top of the world, and before you know's gone, just like it was some kind of bad dream. What can you do, that's life. You learn from your mistakes, and I truly believe, it makes you a better person. As for 2009, more goals, more challenges, more knowledge, more education, more mistakes, and of course more bullshit, something you could expect every year. Predictions for the economy...the dollar gets crushed, gold hits new highs, oil heads lower, then makes it move back up towards the $100 range, realestate heads lower, and commercial realestate gets nailed big time. Consumer debt unravels, we're in the 2nd inning right now, higher unemployment, the numbers are much higher than what they tell you, and bankruptcies at record levels. Social unrest, not seen since the 60's. By the end of the yr., inflation will be the culprit, thus the Feds begins to raise rates, thus any kind of growth that might occur during the yr., gets choked, thus a recession that lasts much longer, and much worse. Serious talk of a new currency will do away with the dollar as we know it, why, because todays dollar will eventually be worthless. Usually when the media talks about such things to the masses, like a depression, they're usually wrong, but with this pampered society of ours, it might appear to be a depression? Keep in mind, who told you to go out and buy stocks during the bubble yrs. And who told you to buy realestate at the top of the market, the media. Always remember, once the masses jump on the bandwagon, that's the time jump off. Oh, and who told you back in July where we were headed, and I didn't even want a salary as a State Rep. I must say, those 2500 plus people that voted for me are very wise...God Bless them! One other prediction, U.S. bankruptcy is very possible ? As for Folio putting me number 1 on their Regrets Issue, I received 3.2%, not 2% of the vote, and my next political run will show me wearing a shirt....but nothing else, and I will be showing off my B-Ball(s) skillz. I don't care what anyone else thinks, Folio is, and always has been the most informative media outlet in Northeast Florida. Have a good day, and a good yr...walshie
posted by walshie4staterep @ 6:47 PM 0 Comments


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